03 05 23 20:14
On May 2, 2023, veteran rare earth expert James Kennedy of Three Consulting released another scathing criticism of US rare earth politics.
"China has worldwide monopolistic control over the production of separated heavy rare earth elements (HREE) 13 and the production of standard and high-operating-temperature 14 rare earth (REE) NdFeB 15 (Neodymium (Nd), Iron (Fe), Boron (B)) magnets. 16 These magnets are currently irreplaceable components critical in the manufacture of cell phones, advanced robotics, electric vehicles (EV)17 , hybrid vehicles(HV), large and offshore wind turbines (“Wind”) and military defense systems. China also controls access to other REE metals, alloys, and garnets used in U.S. defense systems, medical treatments, nuclear reactors, and consumer, commercial, and industrial products. This REE monopoly provides China a dangerous point of leverage against the economic and national security interests of the U.S. and Allied nations."
To read the full document click here.
"China has worldwide monopolistic control over the production of separated heavy rare earth elements (HREE) 13 and the production of standard and high-operating-temperature 14 rare earth (REE) NdFeB 15 (Neodymium (Nd), Iron (Fe), Boron (B)) magnets. 16 These magnets are currently irreplaceable components critical in the manufacture of cell phones, advanced robotics, electric vehicles (EV)17 , hybrid vehicles(HV), large and offshore wind turbines (“Wind”) and military defense systems. China also controls access to other REE metals, alloys, and garnets used in U.S. defense systems, medical treatments, nuclear reactors, and consumer, commercial, and industrial products. This REE monopoly provides China a dangerous point of leverage against the economic and national security interests of the U.S. and Allied nations."
To read the full document click here.